Reveal Yourself – We Are Made of Stories

We are creatures so blessed with the chance to experience our lives as we move through them. All of life is art as my friend Amanda says. Waking up is about how you choose to inhabit the story of your life.

Wherever you find yourself today is where you begin your journey of awakening. Regardless of how much or how little you have done before, your presence matters. You begin by listening to how you feel. If you try to get around it, you can. You are really the only one who knows what is in your heart. And whatever it is wants to be resolved. Whatever desires lay dormant want to be expressed.

I will admit that I have wasted so much time wishing I was somewhere else and blaming other people for everything. I have had bender-style pity parties. But lately something is different for me, and I can very directly trace it communing with my creativity.

I split my time between the investigation into the nature of awakening and the on the ground business of being alive in the moment. The now is where shit goes down. To cultivate resilience, I write every day (whether I post it or not). I move my body with gratitude and breath. I quilt and I cook.

Today I finished my 10th quilt, the World Champion Jersey Strip Quilt. Just like we have stories, quilts do too. When I make them, I listen deeply for their narrative, I follow them as they tell me what and who will need and use them. Together with hand and heart, I materialize the imprint of these tales. And then I send them to the wind. And sometimes the wind brings them back.

The beauty of the world and the people around astounds me daily. I scroll through Instagram and am touched by the vulnerability that is shared, the willingness to be seen. People telling their stories with ferocity and vif.

Let’s keep sharing the work of our own being. Let’s look for the beauty in one another, acknowledge it, and then offer to the light what is no longer relevant. We can grow together. We can look at the world with wet eyes and let the sunlight warm us.

Show your beauty.