Reveal Yourself - The Path to Wonder

Every moment has the potential to burst you open with magic.

The core of my work is about increasing awareness to transform your life. The way that you see yourself is reflected in the way you hold yourself and move through the world. I’m here to help you develop a practice of kindness and self-love towards your body, honor your worth and clarify the work of your heart. To move your body with awareness is the first step in recognizing your own potential.

I am gearing up to start a program where I will offer people a methodical, magical, tender way to bring themselves back to life. We all disappear and go to sleep for surprising and important reasons. The time in the quiet and dark is essential for self-nourishment. And then there is the time to open your eyes and heart and come back to life. To courageously take a deep breath and face your day with the strength of your wisdom. To experience and beauty from the inside and share it with the world.

In the meantime, dance.

“Dance, when you're broken open. Dance, if you've torn the bandage off. Dance in the middle of the fighting. Dance in your blood. Dance when you're perfectly free.”