An invitation

To rest is not self indulgent, to rest is to prepare to give the best of ourselves, and to perhaps, most importantly, arrive at a place where we are able to understand what we have already been given.

- David Whyte

A few weeks ago, I made a lofty claim that I was going to keep on my writing project, Reveal Yourself, for 30 more days. And then life happened.

I started this project to further uncover the nature of my work in the world. In honor of this, I'm shifting the format of my offerings and will be sending out a newsletter shortly. For the present, it will include more personal writing, links for inspiration in movement and moving more into your heart.

In the future of the newsletter, I'll be including some simple movement practices, and info on how to integrate them daily. I'm also working on a project called The Path to Wonder, inspiration for creating a life of wonder through moving our bodies and awakening to the gifts of our hearts. You will be the first to know about that as well.

To join this community of wonder, sign up for the newsletter here. You are free to unsubscribe anytime.

As ever,