Reveal Yourself - Dad Lifts

Today I dragged myself to Crossfit. It was 1 rep max day which means it’s time see just how much you lift. Once. For back squats, strict press and deadlifts. For all you yogis out there, those are all different ways to stack weight on your body and then try to move.

The deadlift is possibly the simplest (but not easiest) form of lifting- all you have to do is bend down, pick up the bar and stand up with it. That's it. But it has never made sense in my body. If you do a deadlift wrong, like I have done, it puts the stress right on the low back. I have a history of pain with my low back and I was really nervous. If you recall the term nocebo from my post from yesterday, you’ll remember that worrying about or expecting a negative outcome (even imagined) can affect outcome.

Afterward, I talked to the owner, Juan, and she told me that there are factors beyond strength that determine how much someone can lift. This would be obvious to me in any other arena. When I watch people move through yoga class, the capacity for healthy movement or lack thereof depends on so many more things than flexibility, strength and experience. One of those things is confidence.

From her seat on the other side of the gym, she said she could tell that I was more confident in my back squat than dad lift. And today I lifted about a dad's worth😉

PR 175 today. Back squat and deadlift.